January: Spent New Years Day at the Oregon Coast with family and friends and the afternoon shooting black and white film under beautiful eery light which I later published as a blurb book creatively titled New Years Day

February: Had two covers in one month (see previous post), shot an annual report and nursed a sore back. Angry White Men was shown at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art at the University of Oregon in Eugene. Also had a piece in a show at the Holter Museum of Art in Helena Montana (see previous posts).
March: Soap Box Derby season resumed with a race in Poulsbo Washington. T finished poorly, not accustomed to the track's curve and slow drop. This picture is un-related.

April: Traveled to North Dakota for Bloomberg to photograph oil development in the Bakken region.

I also spoke about my work to the University of Oregon Photojournalism Department. T scored a 5th and 6th place finish at her first race back on her home track in Salem.

May: T scored her very first win at the final Hood River Soap Box Derby rally. I forgot my camera. Multiple assignments for Time and People and another annual report.
June: Mourned the death of my Mother. Took the kids for a hike to my favorite place.

A week later T won the local Soap Box Derby Championship race qualifying to go to the world championship in Akron Ohio. I cried.

July: We traveled to Akron for the All American Soap Box Derby World Championships. T crashed in what we were later told was the most spectacular crash in 30 years, hitting the guardrail, spinning out, crashing into the car in the next lane and spinning another 360 before hitting the far guardrail. Scared the hell out of me. She handled it with a lot of class, like a true Champion. I told her it's bettter to burn out than to fade away and out of 400 kids eliminated in their first heat she will be the one kid that is remembered.

The next day went back out to the track to see her wrecked car and walked the track. Skid marks were plainly visible from the spin out, etc..

August: We took a vacation in Kauai.

September: I rode my motorcycle 7600 miles across country to my Mother's memorial service and back. Kept a journal and made photogaphs. Published the story on advrider.com here.

October: T and I drove to Vallejo CA where she took 3 for 3 first places in the Northern Ca. Soap Box Derby Rally. I forgot my camera.
Also shot an ad for the Oregon Lottery a portrait of a leprechaun in an old growth forest. Thea d hasn't run yet so I can't show it but here's production still

November: Nothing notable happened in November.

December: Both of my daughters have their birthdays in December as well as that other holiday so needless to say it's a chaotic month. But one of my favorite clients (okay, they are all my favorite) sent me to Whistler and Vancouver for a story that hasn't run yet and therefore I can't talk about.

Happy New Year.